Bilingualism, once seen simply as a practical or cultural skill, is now considered a real asset for the brain. Recent research in the fields of neuroscience and cognitive psychology reveals that speaking two (or more) languages profoundly influences the way the brain functions. But how does bilingualism really affect our brains? And what are the long-term cognitive benefits?
1. Bilingualism improves cognitive skills
Several studies have shown that bilingualism stimulates essential cognitive abilities, such as working memory, concentration and the ability to solve complex problems. The bilingual brain must constantly juggle between two language systems, which enhances cognitive flexibility. This ability to switch quickly from one task to another (or from one language to another) translates into a greater capacity to manage several pieces of information at the same time, a process known as executive function.
Une étude de 2021, publiée dans le Journal of Experimental Psychology, a révélé que les bilingues présentent une meilleure capacité à résoudre des problèmes sous pression, comparés aux monolingues. Cette agilité cognitive leur permet d’adopter des perspectives différentes plus facilement, un atout indéniable dans des contextes aussi divers que le travail, les études ou même les relations sociales. Pour aller plus loin, découvrez comment un séjour linguistique peut booster votre CV.
2. Bilingual brains are more resilient to cognitive aging
One of the most fascinating aspects of bilingualism is its role in slowing brain ageing. The brain is naturally subject to cognitive decline with age, but research suggests that bilinguals are better protected against diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's. A study carried out by the University of Edinburgh in 2020 showed that bilinguals develop the symptoms of dementia on average four to five years later than monolinguals.
Le cerveau bilingue est continuellement en mode de gestion d'informations, même lorsque la personne ne parle qu'une seule langue à un moment donné. Cela crée un "entraînement" constant pour le cerveau, renforçant les connexions neuronales et maintenant la plasticité cérébrale, essentielle pour lutter contre les effets du vieillissement. Vous souhaitez renforcer votre cerveau en apprenant une langue ? Consultez 9 conseils utiles pour apprendre l'anglais facilement.
3. Bilingualism and brain structure
Recent findings in neuroimaging show that bilingualism not only changes the way the brain functions, but also its physical structure. MRI studies have revealed that the prefrontal cortex and parietal cortex (two brain regions linked to the management of complex tasks) are more developed in bilinguals. These regions are called upon whenever the brain needs to inhibit one language in order to use another, which helps to strengthen these specific areas.
Un article de 2022 publié dans le Cerebral Cortex Journal a confirmé que le volume de matière grise dans ces régions est plus élevé chez les bilingues. La matière grise est cruciale pour le traitement de l'information et l'augmentation de sa densité est associée à de meilleures performances cognitives générales. Découvrez également les langues les plus demandées sur le marché du travail en 2024.
4. Bilingualism enhances concentration and distraction management
One of the major challenges for the bilingual brain is managing the interference between two languages. For example, when a bilingual has to speak in French, his or her brain must simultaneously inhibit the other language, such as English or Spanish. This requires a great deal of concentration.
This constant management of linguistic distractions results in a better ability to focus on a task, while ignoring irrelevant information. A study published in Psychological Science Journal in 2019 showed that bilingual children performed better on concentration tests than their monolingual counterparts. In particular, they performed better when it came to ignoring disruptive stimuli in a noisy environment.
5. The impact of bilingualism on children: early cognitive development
In children, exposure to two languages from an early age contributes to the early development of executive functions. Recent studies have shown that bilingual children are able to understand complex concepts such as mental flexibility, recognition of different perspectives and empathy at an early age.
Une recherche de 2020 menée par l'Université de Toronto a révélé que les enfants bilingues développent plus rapidement des compétences liées à la théorie de l'esprit, c'est-à-dire la capacité à comprendre que d'autres personnes peuvent avoir des croyances ou des désirs différents des leurs. Cela améliore leur capacité à naviguer dans des environnements sociaux complexes. Découvrez nos séjours linguistiques à Londres, Rome, Madrid, Berlin et Dublin.
6. The potential challenges of bilingualism: a cognitive cost?
While bilingualism has many advantages, some researchers point to potential challenges. For example, studies have shown that bilinguals can sometimes have a slight delay in lexical access, i.e. the ability to quickly find the right word in a given language. This is explained by the competition between the two languages in the brain.
Cependant, ces légers inconvénients sont largement compensés par les bénéfices cognitifs à long terme. La gestion efficace de deux systèmes linguistiques semble, dans l'ensemble, renforcer plutôt qu'affaiblir les compétences linguistiques et cognitives. Pour perfectionner votre maîtrise des langues, consultez notre article sur les faux amis et les pièges linguistiques entre l’anglais et le français.
In short, bilingualism offers considerable benefits for the brain at any age. It improves cognitive flexibility, slows brain ageing, and promotes better concentration and distraction management. While it may bring some minor challenges, such as slower lexical access, the long-term benefits far outweigh them. Research continues to explore how bilingualism can contribute to cognitive health, but one thing is certain: speaking two or more languages not only strengthens our linguistic abilities, but our brains as a whole.
Si vous hésitez à plonger dans l'apprentissage d'une nouvelle langue, souvenez-vous que, bien au-delà de la simple communication, vous enrichissez également votre cerveau. Pour commencer, explorez nos formations linguistiques adaptées aux professionnels.